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Webinar: Securing the financial workforce with strong authentication

Join us for this live webinar as experts from Intercede and CyberTech outline the key considerations Africa’s banking and finance organisations’ IT leaders must take when securing workforce authentication and protecting data.

In this webinar we will cover:

  • The authentication options
  • What is necessary to deploy strong authentication
  • Real world examples of how banking and finance organisation in Europe and USA are using strong authentication to secure data and meet compliance demands
  • The top considerations for key authentication stakeholders; CISO, finance, IT, end users
  • Top considerations when deciding on what the right authentication solution is for your organisation

Presenters: Allen Storey, Chief Product Officer at Intercede, and Herman Kriel, General Manager: Data Protection at CyberTech.

Moderator: Frans Marx, Business Development Manager: Data Protection at CyberTech.


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