Intercede announces integration with Good Technology Trusted Authentication Framework to offer mobile security choices for businesses

MyID Trusted Authenticator gives Good Technology customers access to a wide range of secure credentials for signing, authentication and encryption

Reston, US, 03 June, 2014: Leading digital identity expert Intercede today announced that it has become an ‘Early Access Trusted Authenticator Partner’ with the leader in secure mobility, Good Technology™. Good’s new Trusted Authentication Framework is designed to allow third parties to develop plug-ins (Trusted Authenticators) for the Good Dynamics Secure Mobility Platform, effectively allowing Good’s customers to benefit from the additional security provided by smart cards and on-device credentials.

With an increasing number of personal devices, software and apps being used outside of corporate firewalls to access confidential company data the security threat is clear to see. The challenge for businesses is how to implement strong authentication on these mobile devices to effectively secure and protect their corporate data. By using the Good Dynamics platform, businesses can make use of strong credentials without having to develop secure business apps themselves, with the MyID Trusted Authenticator taking care of secure communications between the app and the appropriate credential.

Richard Parris, CEO of Intercede commented: “One of the big challenges facing organizations today is how to provide secure mobile access to data. Usernames and passwords are no longer fit for purpose and businesses are increasingly looking towards two-factor authentication and certificate-based identities to authenticate users and devices. The MyID Trusted Authenticator allows businesses to do this simply and effectively using secure credentials and a PIN.”

The MyID Trusted Authenticator for Good Technology will provide apps with access to a wide range of secure credentials for signing, authentication and encryption and will work with devices including smart cards, smart card readers and mobile devices to use credentials stored in secure elements including the SIM, TEE, MicroSD and native/app-specific key chains. In addition to providing interoperability with a wide range of hardware and software, the MyID identity and credential management system allows delivery of credentials direct to mobile devices ready for Personal Identity Verification (PIV) mobile standard FIPS 201-2 due to be introduced later this year, providing organizations with an end to end solution for both credential issuance and management.

Matt Sturges, vice president of Good Dynamics ecosystem at Good Technology commented: “Security is a top concern across the enterprise, whether you’re an organization deploying mobile apps to your employees, customers and partners, or a developer creating one of those apps. While many believe security and mobility are in conflict with each other, we believe both of these needs can be met without compromise and working with Intercede as a Trusted Authentication Framework development partner allows us to provide organizations with an end-to-end solution for both credential management and usage.”.

About Intercede

Intercede is a software company specializing in identity and credential management with a global team of experts located in the

US and UK.

Intercede’s MyID software enables organizations to create and use trusted digital identities for employees, citizens and machines. This allows secure access to services, facilities, information and networks.

MyID meets the highest government standards yet is simple enough to be deployed onto consumer devices such as smartphones and tablets. Critically, MyID provides an easy, convenient and secure alternative to passwords.

Millions of identities are managed using MyID and Intercede has provided identity verification and management services to global customers for more than 20 years. MyID is a commercial-off-the-shelf software product, designed and developed to be configurable so it can be embedded as the cornerstone of cyber security infrastructure for governments and corporations.

Customers trusting Intercede for secure digital identity include the US and UK governments and some of the world’s largest corporations, telecommunications providers and information technology partners.

For more information visit:

About Good Technology

Good Technology is the leader in secure mobility, providing the leading secure mobility solution for enterprises and governments worldwide, across all stages of the mobility lifecycle. Good’s comprehensive, end-to-end secure mobility solutions portfolio consists of a suite of collaboration applications, a secure mobility platform, mobile device management, unified monitoring, management and analytics and a third-party application and partner ecosystem. Good has more than 5,000 customers in 184 countries, including more than 50 of the FORTUNE 100™ companies. Learn more at

GOOD, GOOD TECHNOLOGY, AND GOOD DYNAMICS are trademarks of Good Technology Corporation and its related entities. All rights reserved.



Richard Parris, Chairman & Chief Executive

Lorraine Homer, Communication Director

+44 (0)1455 558111

Babel PR

Kathryn Mills-Webb

Babel PR for Intercede

+44 (0)20 7434 5550

[email protected]

Trusted by Governments and Enterprises Worldwide

Where protecting systems and information really matters, you will find Intercede.  Whether its citizen data, aerospace and defence systems, high-value financial transactions, intellectual property or air traffic control, we are proud that many leading organisations around the world choose Intercede solutions to protect themselves against data breach, comply with regulations and ensure business continuity.