Director and PDMR share option awards

On 7 November 2014, new share options were granted under the existing Intercede Group plc Long Term Incentive Plan to Executive Directors, a Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities (PDMR) and senior managers of the Group.

The award is in accordance with the resolution that was approved by shareholders at the Company’s AGM on 17 September 2014:

a) option exercise price of 127.5p representing the mid-market price as at close of play on 6 November 2014;

b) performance condition for the option to become exercisable being that the share price of the Company reaches or exceeds 400p for a period of 30 consecutive days over the period commencing on the third anniversary of the date of grant and ending on the seventh anniversary of the date of grant. In the event of a takeover of the Company, options would only vest if the offer price per share was at least 200p; and

c) the total number of share options granted was 500,000 which includes the following award levels to the executive directors and PDMR:

Name Number of Share Options
Richard Parris 200,000
Andrew Walker 50,000
Jayne Murphy 50,000


Following the options granted above, the interests of the Directors and their immediate families in the total voting rights of the Company are detailed below:

Number of Ordinary Shares Percentage of Voting Rights (%) Total Number of Shares under Option
Richard Parris 5,645,396 11.6 1,119,565
Andrew Walker 1,497,192 3.1 424,094


About Intercede
Intercede is a software company specializing in identity and credential management with a global team of experts located in the US and UK.

Intercede’s MyID software enables organizations to create and use trusted digital identities for employees, citizens and machines. This allows secure access to services, facilities, information and networks.

MyID meets the highest government standards yet is simple enough to be deployed onto consumer devices such as smartphones and tablets. Critically, MyID provides an easy, convenient and secure alternative to passwords.

Millions of identities are managed using MyID and Intercede has provided identity verification and management services to global customers for more than 20 years. MyID is a commercial-off-the-shelf software product, designed and developed to be configurable so it can be embedded as the cornerstone of cybersecurity infrastructure for governments and corporations.

Customers trusting Intercede for secure digital identity include the US and UK governments and some of the world’s largest corporations, telecommunications providers and information technology partners.

For more information visit:



Tel. +44 (0)1455 558111
Richard Parris, Chairman & Chief Executive
Andrew Walker, Finance Director

Tel. + 44 (0)20 7220 0500
Stuart Andrews, Corporate Finance
Joanna Weaving, Corporate Broking

Trusted by Governments and Enterprises Worldwide

Where protecting systems and information really matters, you will find Intercede.  Whether its citizen data, aerospace and defence systems, high-value financial transactions, intellectual property or air traffic control, we are proud that many leading organisations around the world choose Intercede solutions to protect themselves against data breach, comply with regulations and ensure business continuity.