Intercede to join fellow technology leaders in the federal cybersecurity space at Cipher Summit 19
Intercede is a proud sponsor of SafeNet AT’s Cipher Summit 2019, which takes place in Washington D.C. on Wednesday 9 October.
The summit, which is set to be well attended by a mix of federal agency IT leaders and technology experts, will focus on how federal agencies can benefit from innovative IT solutions in today’s cybersecurity landscape.
The agenda is packed full of industry experts and among those delivering talks will be Dr Chris Edwards, Chief Technical Officer at Intercede.
Chris’ talk looks at the expansion of devices for which federal employees can use to access federal information systems and how a single point of administration, through unified credential management, is essential to tie the growing technology landscape together.
Unified Credential Management
With the publication of the OMB memorandum M-19-17, the expectation has been set that strong authentication for access to federal information systems is to be significantly extended over the next two years.
The original smart card approach to PIV established the core tenet of using cryptographically secure methods of authentication for connection to government data and resources. However, due to a number of technological incompatibilities, this ideal has been far from universal in its application.
The changing landscape regarding smartphone usage was addressed through SP800-157 defining the concept of mobile derived PIV credentials. These are slowly being deployed and are deliverable today through management solutions from a few credential management vendors.
The broader issue addressed by the OMB however is that of universality of access from a very broad range of user devices. This is to be achieved through the use of different form factors and credential types – USB keys and FIDO credentials for example.
There is clearly a compelling case for diversification of authentication form factors, but with that significant expansion of deployed devices comes an imperative to deliver a single point of administration, so that we address the risk of ‘rogue’ authenticators being left active despite their owners no longer being eligible for access.
This presentation examines the issues and describes how Intercede’s MyID provides practical solutions to these problems.
Find out more about Cipher Summit 19 here: