Intercede join industry experts at Cipher Summit in Washington D.C.
SafeNet AT’s annual Cipher Summit took place yesterday in Washington D.C. and was well attended by IT leaders representing a variety of federal agencies, as well as technology partners and sales representatives from across the wider Thales Group.
Intercede was a proud sponsor of the event and Chief Technical Officer, Dr. Chris Edwards ran three workshop sessions covering unified credential management in federal government.
Chris’ talk presented a quickfire overview of his recently published Intercede white paper which looks at the role credential management software has to play in providing the control agencies need to manage PKI and FIDO credentials across the expanding agency workforce technology platform.
MyID® PIV credential management software enables federal agencies to issue and manage FIPS 201 compliant Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials to smart cards and derived PIV credentials to mobile devices, providing the highest levels of secure authentication for mobile working and ensuring compliance with US federal security standards.
Trusted by federal agencies including the Social Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, MyID PIV works with SafeNet AT SC650 smart cards, SafeNet AT High Assurance Client, and SafeNet Luna Hardware Security Modules for government.
Visit the MyID PIV page here or contact us using the form below to find out more.